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How to Ride the Subway

Subway Route Map

Subway Route Map (pdf:146kb)

Station Entrance

Subway entrances have the subway logo and station names displayed.

  • シンボルマーク
    Symbol Mark
  • 駅の入口
    Station Entrance
  • エレベーター

Buying a Ticket

Please purchase tickets at the ticket vending machines.
The vending machines sell regular tickets, One-day Passes, icsca (new cards (excluding child and welfare discount cards)), icsca commuter passes (new adult commuter passes and renewed commuter passes (with some exceptions)). You can also charge your icsca and print out the usage history of the card.

  • 自動券売機
    Ticket vending machines

Entry via the Automatic Ticket Gate

All tickets on the subway are read via the automatic ticket gate. Please enter using the ticket, icsca or other IC card that you have purchased.
※In addition to icsca, you can use Suica or Suica-interchangeable transit IC cards (PASMO,Kitaca, TOICA, manaca, IOCA, PiTaPa, SUGOCA, nimoca, or Hayakaken)

  • 自動改札機での入場

Boarding the Train

On the Namboku Line, trains heading for Tomizawa stop at Platform 1, while trains heading for Izumi-chuo stop at Platform 2.
On the Tozai Line, trains heading for Arai stop at Platform 1, while trains heading for Yagiyama Zoological Park stop at Platform 2. At the transfer hub in Sendai Station, trains heading for Arai stop at Platform 3, while trains heading for Yagiyama Zoological Park stop at Platform 4.

When Waiting for a Train
  • (1) Please make sure there is plenty of space between you and the opening of the Automatic Platform Gate.
  • (2) Do not lean on the Automatic Platform Gate.
  • (3) Do not lean over the Automatic Platform Gate or stand objects against the gate.

  • 番線表示・列車接近表示機
    Platform/train approaching display
  • かけこみ危険
    When boarding trains, please give priority to passengers who are getting off the train.
    Please don't run to catch your train because it is very dangerous.
Hand-held goods that can be brought into trains.
  • ◎Please refrain from bringing large luggage that may block passages or entrances, dangerous goods that may harm other customers, or things that may stain vehicles or equipment.
  • The following items can be brought into trains.
  • ・Items where the maximum sum of the three sides is 2.5 meters (but its length is within 2 meters) and its weight is within 30 kilograms.
  • ・Items such as umbrellas, canes, and fully packed sports equipment, where length is within 2 meters, that are carried as personal belongings.
  • Examples of dangerous goods


    Specific article examples

    Whether or not you can bring in and the amount you can bring in.



      Gunpowder for guns within 1 kilograms

    High - pressure Gas

    Hair spray, Waterproof spray, Cooling spray for sports

      Within 2 liters / 2 kilograms

    Cassette gas for cassette cylinder

    ○ Within 2 liters / 2 kilograms

    LP gas

    Items purchased from vendors.

     Not allowed regardless of quantity

    Flammable Liquid

    Gasoline, Kerosene, Light oil

    ✕ Not allowed regardless of quantity

    Alcohol, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, Lighters

      Within 2 liters / 2 kilograms

    Volatile paint

      Within 2 liters / 2 kilograms.

    Flammable Solid

    Camping solid fuel

      Within 2 liters / 2 kilograms.

    Poisons and Pesticides

    Chloroform, Herbicide

      Within 0.5 liters / 3 kilograms.


    Knives, Kitchen knives, Scissors, Saws, Hatchets, Sickles

      Packaged so that there is no danger of harming other passengers

    ※ Weight includes container and packing. In addition, even if it can be carried in the train, please ensure appropriate precautions are taken so that it cannot be ignited or the contents leaked due to carelessness etc.

    While Riding the Train

    If you give up your seat to physically challenged, elderly persons, or those in need you can make the train have a kind and harmonious atmosphere.

    • 優先席
    • 携帯電話はマナーモードに設定のうえ通話はご遠慮ください

    When the train is crowded, we ask that you turn off your mobile phone around the priority seats. In other areas of the train, please set your phone to manner mode and refrain from making telephone calls. Please also refrain from eating and drinking onboard trains.

    After Getting Off the Train

    Please check the directions of the exit signs as you leave. You can also utilize the elevators or escalators.

    • エスカレーター
      Exit Sign Information
    • エスカレーターご利用上の注意
      Walking on the escalators is very dangerous.
      Please hold onto the handrail and stand as you ride the escalators.

    Exiting via the Automatic Ticket Gate

    • 自動改札機での出場

    If You Ride Past Your Destination or Your Fare is Insufficient

    If you have any difficulties, please ask at the station office next to the ticket gates.

    • のりこし精算
      Adjustment machine
    <<IC cards>>
    Charge or insert the fare balance (10 yen units) in the adjustment machine, and then pass through the ticket gate using your IC card.

    <<Regular tickets>>
    Insert your ticket into the adjustment machine and adjust your fare by following the displayed screens.
    Pass through the automatic ticket gate using the adjustment ticket you got from the adjustment machine.

    Station Exits

    Information maps are displayed close to the ticket gates.
    Once you have confirmed your direction on the map, follow the exit signs.

    • 案内図
      Information Map
    • 出口誘導標
      Exit Sign

    Other Points

    In the event of disaster, please follow the instructions of staff and calmly evacuate the train or station.

    • 非常口表示
      Emergency Exit Sign
    • 禁煙
      Smoking is prohibited in stations and onboard trains.

    Trains and stations are public spaces. Please refrain from eating or drinking inside the train, as the smell or spilling of food and drinks may bother others customers.

    Please carry your luggage in front of you or in your hands if you are physically able to, so that as many passengers as possible can ride in the subway trains when crowded.

  • © Sendai City Transportation Bureau.

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